We joyfully serve persons both inside and outside the walls of Calvary with the following ministries.
The Sunday School Ministry is on vacation during this month August 2024.
Seniors - Our Christian Butterflies
Calvary's "Seasoned Citizen" members are known as the "Christian Butterflies".
They are very active in their local communities and they participate in all areas of ministry and Lay administration of our church. You are invited to attend and join in their special annual celebration and praise service ... ...
'The Christian Butterflies Annual Senior Day'.
It is one of the joyful events we celebrate each year.
We are planning to rejuvenate the Choir during the 4th Quarter of 2024. If you enjoy singing praises to God, please give us a call, and feel free to come and worship with us.
Children, Youth and Young Adults
We recognize the unique gifts God has given to our Children, Youth and Young Adults at Calvary UMC, Atlanta, Georgia. They participate in our worshp services as worship leaders, scripture readers, ushers, and acolytes. The annual oratorical sermonets by our Youth is one of the highlights of each year. Calvary invites you to visit and enjoy our ministries for Children, Youth and Young Adults.
Community Liaisons
Our Community Liasons form a vital role as the face and hands of Calvary present at Westview Community Neighborhood Association. Calvary UMC is taking an active role in our local community events. We are commited to understanding the needs of our local neighbors, so that we can provide ministry that meets them and glorifies God
United Methodist Men and
United Women In Faith
Calvary has both United Women In Faith and United Methodist Men organizations that are licensed and chartered by the U.M.C. . Each has annual celebration worship services, that includes guest speakers. Each has provided college scholarships for Youth members.